Hi | 안녕 | Ohayou | Halo

Welcome to My every step note(s).

You can call me Tika. I like coffee but can’t receive too much caffeine, intolerant. I enjoy traveling but not spending so much time going, I like food but it’s normal, I like ice cream cause it’s sweet. I like books, learning something new, meet people but not that easy to talk with someone new. Do you know why there was many “but”? Cause if everything measures in its portion, it will be better.

Have you ever meet me? I hope that we have a positive approach 🙂 Call me Tika if you meet me somewhere, I won’t bite.

Posts of Interest

Galeri Fotografi Sederhana.

Salah satu hobi ku ya jalan-jalan dan foto sekitar. Kurang suka kalau harus berpose, kecuali saat benar-benar ingin 🙂 Contohnya…

Konser Musik.

Aku juga suka datang ke beberapa konser musik yang engga hard, ga rusuh, dan bisa dinikmati semuanya. Kapan-kapan mungkin bisa kita ke konser bersama.


Selain jalan, aku juga suka jajan. Kemusuhan dengan orang-orang yang makan burger langsung hap, karena aku terbiasa save the best for the last.